Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary


4 72 votes

Prep Time5 minutes

Embark on a flavor-packed adventure with the Bloody Mary, the unrivaled monarch of morning cocktails! This concoction is not just a drink; it's a tantalizing blend of bold spices, tangy tomato, and the perfect kick of vodka that transforms your brunch into a fiesta. Join us as we unveil the secrets of crafting the perfect Bloody Mary, where each sip is a celebration of bold flavors and breakfast decadence. Get ready to shake, stir, and sip your way to brunch greatness – because the world's most iconic morning elixir is waiting to make your weekends unforgettable!

Keyword Dairy Free, Vegan
Skill Easy

Brunch Bliss Unleashed: Dive into the World of Bloody Mary Magic!

Embark on a flavour-packed adventure with the Bloody Mary, the unrivalled monarch of morning cocktails! This concoction is not just a drink; it’s a tantalizing blend of bold spices, tangy tomato, and the perfect kick of vodka that transforms your brunch into a fiesta. Join us as we unveil the secrets of crafting the perfect Bloody Mary, where each sip is a celebration of bold flavours and breakfast decadence. Get ready to shake, stir, and sip your way to brunch greatness – because the world’s most iconic morning elixir is waiting to make your weekends unforgettable!

Welcome to the ultimate guide to crafting the perfect Bloody Mary cocktail! This iconic drink has a fascinating history, a tantalizing blend of flavours, and a well-deserved spot as the star of brunch tables worldwide. In this article, we’ll dive into the origins of the Bloody Mary, explore the best ingredients, and equip you with a foolproof recipe to ensure your brunch game is on point.

History of the Bloody Mary:

The Bloody Mary has a rich and debated history, with multiple claims to its origin. One popular tale attributes its creation to Fernand Petiot in the 1920s at Harry’s New York Bar in Paris. Over the years, the recipe evolved, and the Bloody Mary became a brunch staple, celebrated for its bold and spicy profile.


Choosing the Perfect Tomato Juice for Your Bloody Mary: A Flavorful Guide

Elevate your Bloody Mary by selecting the ideal tomato juice that enhances its richness and depth of flavour. Here’s a concise guide to help you make the right choice:

  1. Freshly Squeezed: For an authentic tomato taste, freshly squeezed juice is unbeatable. Opt for ripe, juicy tomatoes, and press them for a vibrant, pulpy juice that can elevate your cocktail.
  2. High-Quality Store-Bought: Reputable store-bought brands offer convenience without compromising quality. Look for options with minimal additives, prioritizing natural sweetness and acidity.
  3. Tomato Juice Blends: Experiment with blends incorporating additional vegetables like celery or bell pepper. These add complexity, creating an intricate backdrop for your Bloody Mary’s spices
  4. Organic Options: Consider organic tomato juice for a cleaner, more natural taste. Organic tomatoes are grown without synthetic pesticides, and many options come in glass bottles, enhancing freshness.
  5. Low-Sodium Varieties: For those watching sodium intake, opt for low-sodium or no-salt-added tomato juices. These choices allow you to control salt content, ensuring a well-balanced Bloody Mary.

Tips for Choosing Tomato Juice:

  • Read Labels: Ensure the juice contains natural ingredients without unnecessary additives.
  • Consider Texture: Choose between thicker, pulpy textures and smoother consistencies based on personal preference.
  • Experiment: Try different brands and types to find the tomato juice that aligns with your taste preferences for the perfect Bloody Mary.

Whether you prefer the freshness of homemade juice or the convenience of a premium store-bought option, the right tomato juice will undoubtedly elevate your Bloody Mary. Cheers to discovering the perfect blend of flavours in every sip!


  • Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into old-fashioned glass over ice cubes.
  • Rim the Glass: Begin by rimming the glass with a mixture of salt and celery salt. This not only adds a savoury kick but also enhances the overall presentation.
  • Build the Base: Fill the glass with ice cubes and pour in 1 1/2 oz of vodka.
  • Add the Flavors: Pour in 3 oz of tomato juice and 1/2 oz of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The acidity of the lemon balances the richness of the tomato.
  • Spice it Up: Add a dash of Worcestershire sauce and hot sauce to bring the heat. Adjust the hot sauce to suit your spice preference.
  • Mix and Garnish: Gently stir the ingredients in the glass. Garnish with a celery stalk, a wedge of lemon, and a few olives. The garnishes not only add visual appeal but contribute to the overall flavour profile.
  • Sip and Enjoy: Your perfect Bloody Mary is ready to be enjoyed! Sip slowly, savour the layers of flavour, and let the bold concoction elevate your brunch experience.

Equipment Needed

Choosing the Right Glass:

Traditionally, the Bloody Mary is served in a highball or pint glass. The tall glass allows for a generous amount of ice and garnishes, creating a visually appealing and refreshing drink. However, feel free to get creative with your glassware, as long as it accommodates the cocktail’s signature elements.

In conclusion, mastering the art of the Bloody Mary is all about balancing bold flavours and enjoying the process of crafting a cocktail that’s as visually stunning as it is delicious. So, gather your ingredients, rim that glass, and let the Bloody Mary become the star of your brunch gatherings! Cheers to brunch bliss!

Bloody Mary

Embark on a flavor-packed adventure with the Bloody Mary, the unrivaled monarch of morning cocktails! This concoction is not just a drink; it's a tantalizing blend of bold spices, tangy tomato, and the perfect kick of vodka that transforms your brunch into a fiesta. Join us as we unveil the secrets of crafting the perfect Bloody Mary, where each sip is a celebration of bold flavors and breakfast decadence. Get ready to shake, stir, and sip your way to brunch greatness – because the world's most iconic morning elixir is waiting to make your weekends unforgettable!
Prep Time5 minutes




  • Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into old-fashioned glass over ice cubes.
  • Rim the Glass: Begin by rimming the glass with a mixture of salt and celery salt. This not only adds a savoury kick but also enhances the overall presentation.
  • Build the Base: Fill the glass with ice cubes and pour in 1 1/2 oz of vodka.
  • Add the Flavors: Pour in 3 oz of tomato juice and 1/2 oz of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The acidity of the lemon balances the richness of the tomato.
  • Spice it Up: Add a dash of Worcestershire sauce and hot sauce to bring the heat. Adjust the hot sauce to suit your spice preference.
  • Mix and Garnish: Gently stir the ingredients in the glass. Garnish with a celery stalk, a wedge of lemon, and a few olives. The garnishes not only add visual appeal but contribute to the overall flavour profile.
  • Sip and Enjoy: Your perfect Bloody Mary is ready to be enjoyed! Sip slowly, savour the layers of flavour, and let the bold concoction elevate your brunch experience.

Buy the equipment

Here are our top picks from Amazon of cocktail making equipment to make a Bloody Mary.

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  1. stevebar on 7 February 2023 at 14:37

    Sherry might make a nice drink but it sure ain’t a Bloody mary!

  2. Anna on 7 February 2023 at 14:37

    The bloody mary is a classic and doesn’t need nerdy reviews!! Best drunk on the Sunday morning after the Saturday night before. . . .

  3. Kestrel on 7 February 2023 at 14:37

    Tsk tsk. Again I see a crucial ingredient has been omitted:celery salt sprinkled on top. It should also be served with black pepper.

  4. Joti on 7 February 2023 at 14:37

    whats celery salt?

  5. Colin on 7 February 2023 at 14:37

    you should add sherry as well, more Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco sauce, great on a Sunday wake up.

  6. Nikki L on 7 February 2023 at 14:37

    i know that some puritans may think this is a bit over the top, but as well as the celery salt and black pepper i always add Angosturas and some freshly squeezed lime juice. . . a good alternative decoration is a sprig of fresh coriander.

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