Minty Lift
Table of Contents
- 2 parts Malibu
- 1/2 tablespoon Pineapple juice
- top up Lemonade
- 2 Ice cubes
- 1 part Peppermint syrup
- Start by adding 2 parts malibu and 1 part peppermint cordial or whatever into the shaker then add 2 ice cudes (make blue ice cudes by adding food colouring in the water when making ice)it enhances the look of the cocktail and provides more colour. place ice cubes in shakeer and shake if there a coloured one the mixture will take colour. now strian the mixture into a highball glass. add around a tablespoon or a half of one of pineapple juice finaly top up with lemonade to taste. enjoy
Buy the equipment
Here are our top picks from Amazon of cocktail making equipment to make a Minty Lift.