Jiggallo Brain Rape
Table of Contents
- 2 parts Vodka
- 2 parts Apple schnapps
- 2 parts Blue curaçao
- top up Lemonade
- Take two shots of:
Blue Bols/Curacao
and Apple Sourz/Schnapps
Pour into either doubles glass, Pint glass or Jug (dependant on how strong you like it, pint glass usually does for first time, the more you drink the smaller glass you need as it tastes so good even before mixed with lemonade) Top up the rest of your chosen goblet with lemonade and enjoy that sucker! Add ice if you wish, mabye even a cheeky wee straw, the choice is yours…three and you cant see x
Buy the equipment
Here are our top picks from Amazon of cocktail making equipment to make a Jiggallo Brain Rape.